God Knows Me

Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I stand up;
You understand my thoughts from far away.”

Psalm 139:1-2

“But even the hairs of your head have all been counted.”

Matthew 10:30

 “Then He called a child to Him and had him stand among them. ‘I assure you,’ He said, ‘unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child—this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'”

Matthew 18:2-4

At times, we get too bogged down in this world’s pressures to remember that God knows us intimately and loves us just as we are. There will always be areas in which we can improve and ways that we can help others. But there are times when we need to pause and meditate on the truth that we belong to God, and as believers, we are a part of His family.

We are His children, dearly loved. He wants nothing more than for us to come close and spend some time with Him. We can sit in nature, breathe deeply, relax our muscles, and absorb the rhythms around us. Birds chirping, a breeze blowing, the bright warm sun on our face, a jogger going by… We can relax our minds and release the burdens for a few minutes and know that we are wrapped in His love. We can remember the times that He has helped us in the past to get through difficult circumstances.

While teaching Vacation Bible School one year, I wrote a poem to help the children understand God’s connection to them.

God knows me
inside and out.
He knows all about me
without a doubt.
He knows the number
of hairs on my head.
And whether I go
on time to my bed.
He knows my thoughts
before I speak.
He is strong
though I am weak.
God knows me
inside and out.
He knows me
without a doubt.

Ask Him to stay close by today. When you are ready, return to your day with a renewed peace that you are known and cherished. Pause when needed to remind yourself of this simple yet profound truth: You are a child of God and are loved just as you are. Take time to rest, reflect, and let it soak in.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for knowing all about us and desiring a deep, loving relationship despite our flaws. Thank You that we can come to You and share our concerns, or rest quietly with You, because You know our difficulties. Thank You for the times You have brought us through already and the promise that You will always be with us. Help us to find peace and rest in Your loving arms.
In Christ’s name, Amen.

Journal: Where do you feel most present with God? How can you spend more quality time with Him?

Photo by █ Slices of Light █▀ ▀ ▀ on Flickr

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