Virtual Meetings with Friends

“So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.”

Galatians 6:9

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

I’ve had the opportunity to get to know many people from far away whom I would never have met in person. I have been a member of a virtual Bible study group for women from all over the U.S. and other countries for several years. This last year, I’ve also been in a virtual planning group, and two writing groups, with members spanning many countries and time zones. I’ve made a great number of friends and have a heart connection with women that I would not have met in my regular life. I am thankful for the ability to share conversations and ideas with these ladies. Our daily lives may be different, but our desire to be our best selves, and to do what we were created for, helps us bond.

In these groups, we meet to discuss our common goals. In the Bible studies, we complete the same readings and questions, share what we have learned, and pray for one another.

In the planning and writing groups, we cover a variety of topics, state our intentions for the coming days, and encourage each other to follow through. We talk about what’s going well, and areas we hope to improve.

These groups enable us to celebrate our successes and encourage each other when times are tough. We share ideas when asked and just listen when needed.

Our spirits and hearts have no physical boundaries. With God’s love and the aid of technology, we can reach far beyond our current location and share our lives with a larger group of people.

This is not meant to replace the benefits of meeting with others who live near us. In truth, these times of sharing can enhance our lives and allow us to bring more of our gifts and strengths to all of those we meet. We can even use virtual platforms to spend time with family and friends who live close by, when we aren’t able to be physically together. Let’s continue to seek ways to reach out and build each other up in love.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for technology and how it enables us to grow and learn. Thank You for the connections we can make even when distance keeps us apart. Help us to use this tool for good, as another way to encourage others. Please help it not to distract us from spending time with those who are around us.
In Christ’s name, Amen.

Journal: What groups do you belong to? Are there new ways you can find to stay connected with others?

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

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