Prayer Walks

“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”

1 Timothy 2:1-2

I enjoy walking and talking with the Lord. The time we spend together can help clear my mind and focus my thoughts. Prayer walks are a wonderful way to worship and connect with the Lord. They provide us with time to exercise our bodies while communing with God about what is on our minds and hearts.

When we are out in our neighborhoods, we can say “hi” to those who pass by. We can pray for the young mother pushing her child in the stroller, and those playing basketball at the local school playground. Let us express gratitude for those who serve us in the local stores or deliver our mail. We can ask for a positive welcome for those who recently moved in down the street.

We can pray for the traffic directors holding up the signs and those doing construction nearby.

The rhythmical movement of walking helps our prayers to flow. Looking around the environment, it is easy to see those who surround us. Some we know and interact with on occasion. Others we only see from a distance. We can still have a spiritual connection with them through the power of prayer.

Many times, we receive prayer requests from friends on social media and through others at church and work. This extended prayer time is the perfect time to talk with God about these concerns. He’ll take our big issues, simple daily questions, and decisions, too. He is a great listener and rarely interrupts. But when He does, it is with a quiet presence that reassures and guides our path.

We can also ask for our needs. Carrying life’s burdens alone is too much. Sharing these things with God provides us with power and strength.

Prayer: Dear Lord,
Thank You for being with us no matter what we are doing. Thank you for the communities You have provided for us. Please help us to share our concerns with you.
In Christ’s name, Amen.

Journal: Write a list of current prayer requests. Come back and update your list often.

Photo by Dani Myrick on Pixabay

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