Conversations with God

“Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving.”

Colossians 4:2

Here is a devotion I wrote which was previously published in Living Well: 365 Daily Devotions for a Balanced Life by Carole Lewis.

Although prayer has always been important to me, even when I was a teenager, it’s only been since joining First Place that I’ve kept a prayer journal. I have grown greatly by putting pen to paper. I love having a written record to clearly see how God has intervened in my life and the lives of those around me.

Before I started keeping a prayer journal, I’m sure there were countless times when God provided, but I can’t remember them all. But I do clearly remember one day in college, when I sat in my car waiting for a parking spot. After an hour, I prayed, “Lord, when possible, I’d really like to see Jami again. She’s had a difficult time lately, and I just want to know she’s okay. Also, I could really use a parking spot. I’m late for class.” Almost immediately, Jami walked up and we chatted briefly. It turned out that she was headed for her car and said I could have her parking spot! I ran all the way to class laughing while thanking God for His sense of humor.

If you want to capture all of the times when God has lovingly intervened in your life, try keeping a prayer journal to chronicle your experiences and see how God directs and protects you.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of prayer. What a privilege to come to You at any time with any need. Help me to be vigilant in bringing my concerns to You. Thank You for always hearing my prayers and knowing what is best for me.

Journal: In what areas do you have a special need for God’s guidance today? Take a few minutes to review your journal and note those prayers that have already been answered.

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